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Remote Procedure Callback - RPC

An RPC allows developers to easily communicate between the client and server without interrupting the runtime queue.

Learn more here:

Register your remote prodecure

FeatherCore.RPC.Register(name, callback)

  • name<string> - remote method name
  • callback<function> - method function (see method callback)
FeatherCore.RPC.Register("doSomething", myProcedure)

-- `params<table>` - params passed to method by remote caller
-- `res<function>` - function for returning values to the rpc call asynchronously
-- `player<player>` - player who called this method (only for server-side)
function myProcedure(params, res, player)
    return res("Hello "..tostring(params.text)..", "..GetPlayerName(player))

    -- The return is asynchronous, example:
    -- Citizen.SetTimeout(1000, function ()
    --    res("Hello from server (but delayed)")
    -- WARNING: If you return anything from method callback, `ret` will be ignored and return value will be passed to caller
FeatherCore.RPC.Register("doSomething", myProcedure)

-- `params<table>` - params passed to method by remote caller
-- `res<function>` - function for returning values to the rpc call asynchronously
-- `player<player>` - player who called this method (only for server-side)
function myProcedure(params, res, player)
    return res("Hello "..tostring(params.text)..", "..GetPlayerName(player))

    -- The return is asynchronous, example:
    -- Citizen.SetTimeout(1000, function ()
    --    res("Hello from server (but delayed)")
    -- WARNING: If you return anything from method callback, `ret` will be ignored and return value will be passed to caller

Call RPC with inline callback.

Calls remote method.

FeatherCore.RPC.Call(name, params, callback [, player])

  • name<string> - method name
  • params<table> - params passed to method
  • callback<function> - callback called when results are received
  • player<player> - optional player source to call method on (only for server-side)
FeatherCore.RPC.Call("doSomethingRemote", { text = "World", delay = 1000 }, function (result)
    print("[Example] Callback result: "..tostring(result))
FeatherCore.RPC.Call("doSomethingRemote", { text = "World", delay = 1000 }, function (result)
    print("[Example] Callback result: "..tostring(result))

Call RPC with async.

Calls remote method asynchronously. Can only be used inside CreateThread.

FeatherCore.RPC.CallAsync(name, params [, player])

  • name<string> - method name
  • params<table> - params passed to method
  • player<player> - optional player source to call method on (only for server-side)
  • returns result<any> - any data returned by remote method
CreateThread(function ()
    -- Some params passed to server-side method
    local result = FeatherCore.RPC.CallAsync("doSomethingRemote", {
        text = "World",
        delay = 2000
    print("[Example] Async result: "..tostring(result))
CreateThread(function ()
    -- Some params passed to server-side method
    local result = FeatherCore.RPC.CallAsync("doSomethingRemote", {
        text = "World",
        delay = 2000
    print("[Example] Async result: "..tostring(result))

Notify Remote Procedure

Calls remote method without receiving return values.

FeatherCore.RPC.Notify(name, params [, player])

  • name<string> - method name
  • params<table> - params passed to method
  • player<player> - optional player source to call method on (only for server-side)
FeatherCore.RPC.Notify("doSomethingRemote", { text = "World", delay = 1000 }, function (result)
    print("[Example] Callback result: "..tostring(result))
FeatherCore.RPC.Notify("doSomethingRemote", { text = "World", delay = 1000 }, function (result)
    print("[Example] Callback result: "..tostring(result))